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SPAM Policy for Kendra Electronic Wonderworks

In three words, we hate it. We believe that unlike paper junk mail, where the cost is borne by the sender, e-mail SPAM's cost is borne by the receivers. We also feel the common practices of forging origination addresses to prevent retribution, of violating ISP anti-SPAM policies, and of stealing bandwidth from unsecured third-party servers are unethical.

Our mailing lists reject posts by non-subscribers to prevent random SPAMs, and our Postfix Mailer runs the latest counter-measures to bounce SPAM before we have to see it.

For more information on why SPAM is bad, see "Fight SPAM on the Internet!"

This page was last updated on October 10, 2020.  Copyright © 1996-2020 by Kendra Electronic Wonderworks, all rights reserved.

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